Why is it necessary to raise awareness for discrimination?
Did you know that
female genital mutilation is still executed in about 30 countries
There's still 11 countries with a death penalty on consensual adult same-sex sexual acts
40% of US Transpeople have attempted suicide in their lifetime (2015)
In the USA every year there's more than 7000 hate crimes recorded most of them due to colour
This is just some numbers that show how far away we are from a just system. There's still a lot of work to do... And not only legal work. The most important that we can do is raising awareness. In a globalized world with internet in almost every corner of this planet we have a lot of possibilities to do so. Be proud, be respectful and show a lot of compassion. It's the tiny everyday changes that change the system.
The race
The whole race will take place in Summer 2022.
The plan is fairly easy. We have two weeks time to cross the Alps. The start point will be set by weather conditions. Preferably somewhere close to Grenoble in France. We are only allowed to hike with all our gear and fly.
We make 2 Exceptions:
1. If there is a cable car or a chairlift up the hill we are allowed to take it - we hate walking beneath chairlifts...
2. If weather conditions change dramatically and we get stuck, we are allowed to take a ride out - it still should be some fun.
Then there will be Luis, he'll drive a camper and make some videos of us struggling. Maybe he'll cook a dinner for us at some point. And if we get really exhausted we'll sleep in a hotel. Good restaurants are allowed too. So this will be very freestyle. But since we love sleeping outdoors we will bivouac most of the time. And if we manage to topland in the evenings it will spare us the hike up. :-)
The most important: No pressure, no plans, no expectations. Enjoying time outdoors. And sharing it with you!
Amnesty International
What better organization is there than Amnesty International to support a flight for equality. Founded in 1961 their mission is to ensure that every person enjoys the rights declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. With over 10 Mio members, it is one of the biggest and most important organization to fight for more equality! I am very honored to be supported by them and to contribute a little to their amazing work.